原文:Emerging Large Language Models (LLM) Application Architecture
Due to the highly unstructured nature of Large Language Models (LLMs), there are thought and market shifts taking place on how to implement LLMs.
I’m currently the Chief Evangelist @ HumanFirst. I explore & write about all things at the intersection of AI & language; ranging from LLMs, Chatbots, Voicebots, Development Frameworks, Data-Centric latent spaces & more.
我目前是首席布道者@HumanFirst。我探索和写作人工智能和语言交叉点的所有事物;范围从LLM,聊天机器人, 语音机器人,开发框架,以数据为中心的潜在空间等等。
Why do I say LLMs are unstructured? LLMs are to a large extent an extension of Conversational AI.
Due to the unstructured nature of human language, the input to LLMs are conversational and unstructured, in the form of Prompt Engineering.
And the output of LLMs is also conversational and unstructured; a highly succinct form of natural language generation (NLG).
LLM的输出也是对话和非结构化的;一种高度简洁的自然语言生成 (NLG) 形式。
LLMs introduced functionality to fine-tune and create custom models. And an initial approach to customising LLMs was creating custom models via fine-tuning.
This approach has fallen into disfavour for three reasons:
As LLMs have both a generative and predictive side. The generative power of LLMs is easier to leverage than the predictive power. If the generative side of LLMs are presented with contextual, concise and relevant data at inference-time, hallucination is negated.
Fine-tuning LLMs involves training data curation, transformation and cost. Fine-tuned models are frozen with a definite time-stamp and will still demand innovation around prompt creation and data presentation to the LLM.
When classifying text based on pre-defined classes or intents, NLU still has an advantage with built-in efficiencies.
在根据预定义的类或意图对文本进行分类时,NLU 仍然具有内置效率的优势。
The aim of fine-tuning of LLMs is to engender more accurate and succinct reasoning and answers. This also solves for one of the big problems with LLMs; hallucination, where the LLM returns highly plausible but incorrect answers.
The proven solution to hallucination is using highly relevant and contextual prompts at inference-time, and asking the LLM to follow chain-of-thought reasoning.
As seen below, there has been an emergence of vector stores / databases with semantic search, to provide the LLM with a contextual and relevant data snippet to reference.
Vector Stores, Prompt Pipelines and/or Embeddings are used to constitute a few-shot prompt. The prompt is few-shot because context and examples are included in the prompt.
In the case of Autonomous Agents, other tools can also be included like Python Math Libraries, Search and more. The generated response is presented to the user, and also used as context for follow-up or next-step queries or dialog turns.
对于自治代理,还可以包含其他工具,例如Python Math Libraries,Search等。生成的响应将呈现给用户,并用作后续或下一步查询或对话周转的上下文。
The process of creating contextually relevant prompts are further aided by Autonomous Agents, prompt pipelines where a prompt is engineered in real-time based on relevant available data, conversation context and more.
Prompt chaining is a more manual and sequential process of creating a flow within a visual designer UI which is fixed and sequential and lacks the autonomy of Agents. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches; and both can be used in concert.
提示链接是在可视化设计器 UI 中创建流的更手动和顺序的过程,该流程是固定和顺序的,缺乏代理的自治性。这两种方法都有优点和缺点;两者都可以协同使用。
Lastly, an emerging field is testing different LLMs against a prompt; as opposed to in the past where we would focus on only testing various prompts against one single LLM. These tools include LangSmith, ChainForge and others.
The importance of determining the best suited model for a specific prompt addresses the notion that within enterprise implementations, multiple LLMs will be used.
- 本文作者:王翊仰
- 本文链接:https://wangyiyang.github.io/2023/08/27/emerging-large-language-model-llm-application-architecture/
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)